Toby Cook – Former Missouri Synod Lutheran

October 22, 2019 | No Comments

Toby Cook was raised in a Missouri Synod Lutheran family that was deeply devoted to the Lord. As a young man, he himself pursued the possibility of becoming a minister,

Dr. Stacy Trasancos – Former Baptist and Atheist

October 15, 2019 | No Comments

As a kid growing up Baptist, Stacy Trasancos was fascinated with God’s creation, and wanted to become a scientist. But as her studies led her to more of a materialist

Fr. John Bartunek, LC – Former Atheist

October 08, 2019 | No Comments

Fr. John was raised by a dad who wanted nothing to do with religion, so when he started to attend Evangelical youth groups in his teens, his father strongly disapproved.

Mark and Desiree Hausam – Former Orthodox Presbyterians

October 01, 2019 | No Comments

Mark Hausam grew up generally Christian, and Desiree grew up with very little religious influence. They both sought Christ more deeply in their teenage years, and ended up together at

Noel Culbertson – Former Southern Baptist

September 17, 2019 | No Comments

Noel Culbertson grew up Southern Baptist in California, and even ended up going on overseas mission trips as a teenager with the hope of introducing Catholics to Jesus. After an

Vern and Chad Steiner – Former Evangelical Protestants

September 10, 2019 | No Comments

Vern Steiner was raised with a strong foundation of faith that led him into academia and ministry, with a focus on the Bible and Biblical languages. His son Chad followed

Dr. Abigail Favale – Former Evangelical Protestant

August 27, 2019 | No Comments

Dr. Abigail Favale prayed the sinner’s prayer as a very young child, and loved the Bible from an early age, especially the stories of the women of the Old Testament.

Fr. Bart Stevens, Former Assemblies of God and Episcopal Priest

August 20, 2019 | No Comments

Fr. Bart Stevens grew up in Montana, and had a radical conversion to Christ as a teenager attending an Assemblies of God youth group. When he was exposed to the

Carlos Zamora – Catholic Revert

August 13, 2019 | No Comments

Carlos Zamora was raised Catholic, and went to Mass and CCD classes, but didn’t pay a whole lot of attention. Growing up in Fort Worth during a particularly violent era,

Kevin Stephenson – Former Anglican and Charismatic

August 06, 2019 | No Comments

Kevin Stephenson was baptized Anglican in England, but when visiting family in Jamaica as a young man, he had a profound born-again experience, and began to worship in Charismatic congregations.

Michael Davis – Former Baptist Pastor

July 31, 2019 | No Comments

Michael Davis was raised on Baptist hellfire and brimstone, and it turned him off to Christianity altogether as a young man. Later, when he met a pastor who showed him

Christopher Reibold – Former Agnostic and Catholic Revert

July 24, 2019 | No Comments

As a Catholic teenager, Chris Reibold was reading Nietzche and studying scientific materialism, and felt that his catechists didn’t have adequate answers to his questions about philosophy and religion. He

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