Conversion StoriesLutheranMethodistPresbyterian & Reformed

Fr. Brian Harrison: Former Presbyterian

June 14, 2010 No Comments

Fr Harrison comes from an ecumenical background. He was baptized Methodist, in Australia and reared Presbyterian. He attended an Anglican boarding school in college and later worked in a Lutheran mission in Papua New Guinea. Among the Lutherans, he discovered Protestants teaching doctrines that he’d been taught was papist, such as baptismal regeneration and the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Reacting to the confusion of the many different Protestant teachings, he became disallusioned with the teaching of “sola Scriptura”.  Received into the Church in 1972, he was later ordained a priest and received his Ph.D. from the Gregorian in Rome. To find out more about Fr. Harrison’s work, go to: