To Children of Catholic Converts – Dr. Matthew Bunson

June 22, 2018 | No Comments

For cradle Catholics whose parents converted to the faith, it can be hard to understand the sacrifices that were made, often at great personal cost, to enter the Catholic Church.

Converts Raising Catholic Children – Dr. Matthew Bunson

June 15, 2018 | No Comments

How do Catholic converts who are parents go about raising Catholic kids when they themselves weren’t raised Catholic? Dr. Matthew Bunson, whose parents both became Catholic before they met each

The Fullness of the Catholic Faith – Fr. Jurgen Liias

June 08, 2018 | No Comments

“Why not just stay Episcopalian?” When Fr. Jurgen Liias, an Episcopal priest, felt drawn to the Catholic Church, people wondered why he didn’t just stay in his denomination, which had

Why Church History Matters – Shaun Rieley

June 01, 2018 | No Comments

Many Christians who are frustrated with denominationalism wish they could just go back to the early Church and start Christianity over from scratch. Unfortunately, that impulse hasn’t resulted in a

Women in the Church – Alexandra Kogan

May 11, 2018 | No Comments

The Catholic Church’s teaching on the meaning of womanhood is often misunderstood and mocked by a post-sexual revolution society. But for Alexandra Kogan, who came from a secular Jewish background,

C.S. Lewis and Catholicism – Dr. Peter Kreeft

May 04, 2018 | No Comments

In a short and provocative video, Dr. Peter Kreeft takes a look at why C.S. Lewis is often instrumental in drawing people to the Catholic Church, even though Lewis himself

The Joy of the Sacramental Life – Fr. Jurgen Liias

April 27, 2018 | No Comments

Many Protestants see liturgy and sacraments as nothing more than dead and empty ritual. Catholics often know that the sacraments convey grace, but aren’t always sure how to live out

Insights – Surrendering to God’s Will

By Sr. Maria Theotokos
April 06, 2018 | No Comments

Trusting God’s will can be a scary thought – but it can also be an adventure of love and fulfillment, if we allow ourselves to freely submit to what the

Insights – A Church Built by Converts

March 30, 2018 | No Comments

EWTN News Senior Contributor Dr. Matthew Bunson, whose parents were converts to the Catholic faith, looks at how conversion is at the heart of the Church’s identity, and how it’s

Insights – The Beauty of Confession

March 01, 2018 | One Comment

As she was in the process of entering the Catholic Church, Sr. Theotokos of the Servants of the Lord thought that going to Confession was just a “part of the

Insights – The Duty of Worship

By Shaun Rieley
February 15, 2018 | One Comment

Raised in an Evangelical Christian household, Shaun Rieley was used to worship services that had a strong emotional component. But as he got into his teens, and wasn’t able to

Insights – Trusting Young Catholics with the Truth

By Chris Reibold
January 12, 2018 | One Comment

Chris Reibold came back to his Catholic faith as an adult, but he left it as a teenager because he didn’t think it was intellectually sound. As a 16 year-old

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