When a Pastor Becomes Catholic – Ken Hensley

March 08, 2024 | No Comments

What happens when a Protestant pastor feels a new call on his heart from God, to lay down his ministry and become a Catholic? Ken Hensley shares what that looked

Lent and Baseball Spring Training – Dan Venezia

March 01, 2024 | No Comments

When he was playing in the minors for the Minnesota Twins organization, Dan Venezia thought that if he believed in God, and was a good person, that was enough. But

Why Protestant and Catholic Churches Often Look Different – Sam Guzman

February 23, 2024 | No Comments

There’s certainly a range of architectural expressions, but historically speaking, Catholic and Protestant worship spaces and church buildings tend to be fundamentally different in the way they are laid out.

Why Confess to a Priest? – Tyler Pakka

February 16, 2024 | No Comments

Why confess your sins to a priest? It’s a common question that Protestants ask about the Catholic Church. Tyler Pakka, who came from an Evangelical background, shares how the concept

From Worshipping Football to Worshipping God – Santonio Hill

February 09, 2024 | No Comments

Santonio Hill grew up Catholic, but football was the most important thing in his world. When he got a scholarship to play at a Division I school, he thought he

God’s Greatest Attribute – Dr. Benjamin Lewis

January 26, 2024 | No Comments

When he was attending a Christian liberal arts college, Dr. Benjamin Lewis recalls a debate that came up in the cafeteria about what might be God’s greatest attribute. Was it

The Beauty of Choosing Life – Santonio Hill

January 19, 2024 | No Comments

It wasn’t until Santonio Hill was out of high school that he realized that his mom had been faced with a difficult decision when she was pregnant with him. He

Mr. Universe Goes Back to Confession – Mick Souza

January 05, 2024 | No Comments

Mick Souza started off with a foundation of faith, but led a wild life, breaking, as he tells it, all Ten Commandments. When he started to revisit the idea of

A Pentecostal Pastor Discovers Advent – Kenny Burchard

December 15, 2023 | No Comments

As a Foursquare Church pastor, Kenny would try to get his congregation ready for Christmas, but the idea of Advent as an intentional liturgical season was foreign to him. Over

Preaching Mary Beyond the Manger – Dean Waldt

December 07, 2023 | No Comments

During his time as a Presbyterian minister, Dean Waldt didn’t give much thought to preaching about Mary beyond the Christmas story. Dean shares how he came over time to realize

From “Church Shopping” to Catholicism – Becky Carter

November 17, 2023 | No Comments

Becky Carter left her Catholic background behind when she got married and started exploring Evangelicalism, but very quickly began to be frustrated with the process of “church shopping,” as she

A Convert’s Perspective on Vocations – Sr. Julia Mary Darrenkamp

November 10, 2023 | No Comments

Sr. Julia grew up Protestant, and when she became Catholic, and then entered religious life with the Daughters of St. Paul, it raised all kinds of questions with her friends

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