The Coming Home Network was established to help non-Catholic Christians, clergy and laity, discover the truth and beauty of Catholicism and to make the journey home to full communion with the Catholic Church.
Explore our conversion testimonies as well as articles, videos, and other resources that will help you discover and live out the fullness of the Christian life.
Find fellowship and support from others who have made the journey home to the Catholic Church.
Support For Pastors
If you are a pastor or minister in a Protestant or other non-Catholic tradition, The Coming Home Network exists to support you in the unique struggles and hurdles you may be facing as you consider becoming Catholic.
Because you are among several folks who are worried that we have fallen off the Christian cliff, I thought that this record of an interchange with Internet friends who had similar concerns might ease your anxiety about our salvation prospects. It is important to understand that we are not writing this to try to convert you, but to hopefully neutralize your prejudices so if any other friend converts, you can say “Gee Whiz, that is wonderful” as opposed to “You poor lost soul.” Here is the interchange:
Here is an intriguing quote from Saint Gregory of Nyssa, Bishop, (330-395) taken from Monday morning's Office of Readings. He describes how our new life in Christ--our new existence--is nurtured through the Church and her sacraments. I would love your thoughts. - Marcus Grodi
A former Presbyterian minister who joined the Catholic Church in 1992, Marcus Grodi is now an author, speaker, founder and president of the Coming Home Network International, and the host of The Journey Home Program on EWTN.