Marcus Grodi welcomes Baptist convert Steve Ray to discuss the Bible verses Mr. Ray “never saw” as a Protestant, particularly those that deal with the topics of typology and “the visible church.”
Visible Church: Matthew 18: 17; 1 Timothy 3: 15; Ephesians 4: 4 & 5: 21-33; John 17.
Typology: Romans 5: 14; 1 Corinthians 15; John 19: 25; Exodus 3: 1-15; 1 Kings 2: 19; Matthew 23: 2; 2 Thessalonians 2: 15; 1 corinthians 11: 2; John 20: 23.
Resources mentioned:
- Footprints of God series by Steve Ray (Holy Land documentaries published by Ignatius Press)
- Upon this Rock by Steve Ray
- Crossing the Tiber by Steve Ray
- Steve Ray’s Holy Land Pilgrimages
- Steve Ray’s conversion story
- Deep in History conference talk “Peter, the Rock, the Keys, and the Chair” Watch for Free | DVD | CD | MP3
- Steve Ray’s Deep in Scripture episodes: The Papacy episode | John 3:16 episode | The Heart of St. Paul episode | “Born Again” episode (Part 1) | “Born Again” episode (Part 2)