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Deep in ScriptureDeep in Scripture 2015Romans

Members of the Church — Romans 15 & 16

Dr. Kenneth Howell |
May 6, 2015 No Comments

Women clergy? Responsibility to other Christians? Greet each other with a holy kiss?

Marcus Grodi and Dr. Kenneth Howell discuss the last two chapters of Romans in this episode of Deep in Scripture. As St. Paul closes his Letter to the Christians at Rome, he first tells them of his desire to finally come an see them. However, he first has another task: to take the alms collected from several churches to help the struggling Christians in Jerusalem. In this we hear our call own call to comfort and support — our responsibility to — our Christian brothers and sisters to whom we are united in baptism. We also hear St Paul affirm how important it is for us to pray for one another — his ministry and each of ours depends upon our shared prayers for one another. We then hear about all the faithful friends Paul had in Rome, through whom he had become aware of the needs of the Christians in Rome. He talks about multiple churches and even a women whom he called a deaconess. What do these references mean for us today?

Scripture verses: Romans 15 & Romans 16 (see also 2 Corinthians 1:3-5; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Galatians 6:6)

“We do not say My Father, who art in heaven or Give me this day my daily bread….Our prayer is public and common, and when we pray, we pray not for one person but for the whole people, since we, the whole people, are one.” – St. Cyprian of Carthage, c. 250 A.D.

Today’s Show Notes

References mentioned: 

Dr. Kenneth Howell

For more information about Dr. Kenneth J. Howell click here. You may also read his conversion story by clicking here.

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