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Deep in Scripture 2009

Whoever Is in Christ Is a New Creation, 2 Corinthians 5:17-20

Dr. Eduardo Echeverria |
July 29, 2009 No Comments

In this “Year for Priests,” Marcus asks guests to choose Scripture verses that have specifically inspired them to follow Jesus. Marcus welcomes Dr. Eduardo Echeverria, former Evangelical and Reformed Calvinist, to discuss what it means to live in Christ. In his Protestant years, Eduardo was a lover and student of Protestant philosophy. The two discuss what it means to be a new creation in Christ, and how that understanding differs in the Catholic tradition from their previous Protestant traditions.

Scripture verse: 2 Corinthians 5: 17-20

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Dr. Eduardo Echeverria

Eduardo was born in Mexico but his family moved to New York when he was little. He was baptized and catechized a Catholic but he never thought the Church was relevant in his live. While on a vacation in Europe, when he was 20, he was introduced to L’Abri Fellowship and Francis Schaeffer, in Switzerland. It was here that he committed his life to Christ. Coming back to America, he became a committed Calvinist. In 1981, he earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Though he was a Calvinist, Eduardo was always looking for something more in worship which he found missing. Because of this he became an Anglican, while he was an Evangelical in his piety. Wishing to have a coherent grasp of the truth, he read his way back to the Catholic Church and was received back in 1992. Dr. Esceverria is Associate Professor of Philosophy, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, in Detroit.

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