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“…but God meant it for good.”

Deacon Rick Bauer |
Church of Christ, Conversion Stories, Military, Reverts to the Catholic Faith | No Comments

I was baptized and confirmed in a nominally Catholic home. My dad’s 30-year career in the U.S. military and the diplomatic service led us overseas among many moves as our 6-child family grew up, spending years in Panama, Cuba, and Colombia. Despite a Jesuit education into high school, by the time we returned to Washington, D.C. in the late 1960s, I was a high school student growing rapidly disillusioned with my faith and with the Catholic Church.

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A Glorious Journey

Fr. Paul Chaim Benedicta Schenck |
Anglican & Episcopalian, Conversion Stories, Jewish | 8 Comments

I chose to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church when it became apparent to me that I no longer could confess the Creed, in which I made the claim to believe in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church and not be in communion with the Bishop of Rome, the Successor of St. Peter, and Pastor of the universal Church.

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Crossing the Tiber

Steve Ray |
Baptist, Conversion Stories, Uncategorized | 2 Comments

At this very moment in our lives a long-time Evangelical friend and pastor announced to us, “Steve, my wife and I have decided to join the Catholic Church.” Janet and I were stunned. I immediately blurted out, “Al, that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard; you are way too smart to be a Catholic!”

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