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BlogCHNetwork Weekly Roundup

The CHNetwork Weekly Roundup #326

October 28, 2022 No Comments

Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for support.  The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!


The latest from CHNetwork

This week’s episode of The Journey Home was a powerful discussion with Mick Souza about his journey from winning the Mr. Universe title in 1992 to returning fully to the sacraments.

We published a new On the Journey short in which Ken Hensley shared how he began to see that sola Scriptura isn’t Scriptural.

In a new CHNetwork Presents, Matt Swaim talked to Bo Bonner and Sam Guzman about how they all experienced Halloween as Protestants, and how they approach it now as Catholics.

We published the written story of Shannara Johnson, who shared her journey from New Age and occult practices to the Catholic Faith.

We compiled a playlist of Journey Home episodes featuring members of the Charismatic Episcopal Church who have become Catholic.

And on a new Insights video, Rakhi McCormick shared the joy of discovering the universality of the Church in the lives of saints from every nation through the liturgical calendar.


Meanwhile, around the web…


Catholic News Agency talked to a former abortionist about his pro-life conversion.

Keith Nester and Keith Little discussed how they warmed up to the rosary as new Catholics.

And Keith Little also talked to Jack Morgan, a former Evangelical Protestant, about his journey to Catholicism.


Tom Hoopes shared some thoughts on how to stop praying like a Pharisee.

And Joe Heschmeyer dug into what the Catholic Church teaches about conscience.


A member who recently attended Mass for the first time,  another member sorting through questions about their marriage as they explore Catholicism, and all our members struggling with various health issues – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting today!


“I have nothing left, but I still have my heart, and with that I can always love.”

Bl. Chiara Badano

Feast Day: October 29th

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