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BlogCHNetwork Weekly Roundup

The CHNetwork Weekly Roundup #314

August 5, 2022 No Comments

Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for support.  The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!


The latest from CHNetwork

The August 2022 CHNewsletter is out! Read it here.

This week’s episode of The Journey Home was an encore of our conversation with Dr. Abigail Favale, who shared her path from Fundamentalism to Feminism to Catholicism.

In the latest On the Journey, Matt Swaim and Ken Hensley talked to Kenny Burchard about how the Church defines dogma, and how that played out in regard to the title Mother of God.

CHNetwork Community members shared some of their favorite places to go on pilgrimage, and how the tradition of pilgrimage originated with a Catholic convert.

And on a new Insights video, Michael Kelleher reflected on how becoming Catholic isn’t usually something that just happens overnight.


Meanwhile, around the web…


Stephanie Mann looked at how St. John Henry Newman came around to embrace devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

And Keith Nester offered 5 ideas new Catholics can employ to avoid losing all their friends.


Luke Lancaster answered a common question: if Mary was sinless, then why did she offer a sacrifice at the Temple?

And a Congolese Catholic sister has used her background in mechanical engineering to bring hydroelectric power to her community in central Africa.


A new convert hoping to build solid Catholic friendships, another convert praying their parents will be open to conversations about the Church, and all our members who are preparing to enter RCIA this Fall – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting today!


“Go to confession to the Blessed Virgin, or to an angel; will they absolve you? No. Will they give you the Body and Blood of Our Lord? No. The Holy Virgin cannot make her Divine Son descend into the Host. You might have two hundred angels there, but they could not absolve you. A priest, however simple he may be, can do it; he can say to you, ‘Go in peace; I pardon you.'”

St. John Vianney

Feast Day: August 4

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