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BlogCHNetwork Weekly Roundup

The CHNetwork Weekly Roundup #282

December 10, 2021 No Comments

Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for more information.  The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!


The latest from CHNetwork

This week’s episode of The Journey Home was a wonderful conversation with Craig Alexander, who spent active duty years with the Marines as a heathen, but was drawn home by the Eucharist.

On this week’s Deep in Christ, JonMarc Grodi looked at what G.K. Chesterton had to say about the benefits of being unpractical.

In the latest episode of On the Journey, Matt Swaim and Ken Hensley looked at the atheist claim that even our minds are nothing more than chemicals and atoms without a higher purpose.

And on a new Signposts, Michael Kelleher related how questions about sola Scriptura led him from Fundamentalist Christianity to the Catholic Church.


Meanwhile, around the web…


Dr. John Bergsma spoke to Keith Little about how to read the Bible as a Catholic, especially for those who come from Protestant backgrounds.

And The Catholic Gentleman podcast interviewed a formerly atheist OB/GYN about his journey to the Catholic Church.


Jimmy Akin looked at 8 things to know about the Immaculate Conception.

And Joseph Pronechen dug into the story of the real St. Nicholas.


An Evangelical Christian who’s just discovered Theology of the Body, another Christian torn between Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, and all our members preparing to celebrate their first Christmas as Catholics – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting today!


“When we speak about wisdom, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about virtue, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about justice, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about peace, we are speaking about Christ. When we speak about truth and life and redemption, we are speaking about Christ.”
St. Ambrose of Milan

Feast Day: December 7

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