Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider becoming a member, or feel free to contact us for more information. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
On this week’s episode of The Journey Home, Fr. Sebastian White, O.P., editor-in-chief of Magnificat, shared his journey through Evangelicalism and Anglicanism back to the Catholic Church.
In our latest written conversion story, Nicole Dupuy shares how she was horrified when her husband became interested in the Catholic faith, and how her heart eventually changed on the matter.
In a new Insights video short, John Knutsen recalled what he wished Catholics had understood about where he was coming from when he considered himself an atheist.
On the latest Deep in Scripture podcast, Marcus and JonMarc Grodi looked at Acts 10 and the development of doctrine, and how the Catholic Church, though developed from the days of the New Testament, passes the test of antiquity.
And with a great CHNetwork retreat this week in Columbus, it’s time to look ahead to our June 8 Day of Reflection, taking place at the Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Emmitsburg MD. It’ll be a powerful time of pilgrimage, prayer, and a chance to visit the relics of the first US-born saint, who was also a Catholic convert! Register here.
Meanwhile, around the web…
Former Episcopalian canon Andrew Petiprin, who recently entered the Church, reflects on the experience of becoming Catholic in a time of scandal.
Marcel Lejeune described what the Catholic idea of conversion looks like.
And Billy Ryan looked at how St. Peregrine went from being an anti-papist who once violently attacked a priest to becoming a priest himself and the patron saint of cancer patients.
Luke Lancaster discussed Galatians 2 and the Reformed doctrine of sola fide.
And Msgr. Charles Pope reflected on why the glorified body of Jesus still contained the wounds of the crucifixion.
The great group of retreatants that met us in Columbus this past week, our many members who are seeking employment, and all our members who are joyfully celebrating their new lives as confirmed Catholics – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for and working with this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!