Got a question about the Catholic Church, or need assistance on your journey? Consider becoming a member, or feel free to contact us for more information. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
This week’s Journey Home episode was with Sue Neugebauer, a Messianic Jew who became a Catholic. Her husband, Mark, was last week’s guest.
We shared the written testimony of Jean Pollock, who came back to the Church of Peter after years as a Sedevacantist.
In our newest Signposts video short, Alexandra Kogan, a former secular Jew, shared why she sees faith as a romance.
Charles Hoffman started a new article series for us on the relationship between Scripture and tradition.
We made available another video from our Deep in History archives: this time, it was Dr. Paul Thigpen on the question of spiritual authority.
And Seth Paine interviewed Marcus Grodi about the history of The Coming Home Network, and how we help Protestant pastors interested in becoming Catholic.
Meanwhile, around the web…
Friends and colleagues paid tribute to the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus at a symposium this week held at Catholic University of America.
Katrina Fernandez, a convert, argued that cradle Catholics and converts have some key things in common.
Deacon Steven Greydanus explained how questioning the doctrine of sola Scriptura started him on the path to the Catholic Church.
Danny Collier shared how the Eucharist led him home to Rome.
And the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society posted a piece on Msgr Ronald Knox, who gave the eulogy at GK Chesterton’s Requiem Mass.
Edward Pentin explained why the Catholic Church isn’t a member of the World Council of Churches.
Marge Fenelon reflected on why the newly declared feast of Mary, Mother of the Church, is so remarkable.
And Andrea Gagliarducci shared why the Greek Catholics of Ukraine are seeking recognition as a Patriarchate.
David Mills proposed an idea for how to get Atheists to defend nuns.
And Fr. Dwight Longenecker looked at why notable author Joseph Campbell left the Catholic Church, and what it can teach us about how to reach out to agnostics.
Br. Guy Consolmagno, head of the Vatican Observatory, looked at how Albert Einstein can help combat the cynicism of a postmodern world.
A member whose family has expressed objections to her desire to start RCIA, an inquirer trying to work up the nerve to contact his local Catholic parish, and a lapsed Catholic who’s just decided to go back to Mass – these are just a few examples of the people we are praying for and working with this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“”Love the poor tenderly, regarding them as your masters and yourselves as their servants.”
St. John of God
Feast Day: March 8