Welcome to our latest weekly roundup of original and curated Catholic content for converts and the curious! Here’s a sampling of what we’ve been up to over the past few days at The Coming Home Network:
This week’s featured written conversion story is the powerful testimony of David Shawkan, a Muslim born Iraqi refugee who found his way into the Catholic Church. Definitely one to share!
The newest installment in our series of Signposts video shorts features Hall Miller, principal of Mother of God School in Gaithersburg, MD, and his journey through Eastern spiritualities before his return to the Catholic faith.
We made available online Msgr. Stuart Swetland’s 2007 Deep in History lecture about the lessons- positive and negative- that evangelists today can learn from the inculturation efforts of the first Catholics to reach the New World.
This week’s #ThrowbackThursday offering was a fascinating 2005 Journey Home episode featuring Fr. Jay Kythe, a former Hindu who is now a Catholic priest.
We’re taking registrations now for the next Coming Home Network retreat, June 12-15 at the St. Therese Retreat Center in Columbus, OH. Visit chnetwork.org/retreats for more information about this excellent opportunity for spiritual growth and fellowship with CHNetwork members and staff!
And we’ve updated The Coming Home Network Pinterest page with lots of new shareable graphics featuring quotes from Journey Home episodes- check it out!
Meanwhile, around the web…
GetReligion and Mark Noll highlighted the ongoing struggle to adequately define the term “Evangelical.”
Vatican Radio reported on the latest developments in the Vatican/Lutheran joint committee for the 500th anniversary commemoration of the Reformation.
Pope Francis greeted an interfaith commission from Iraq, reminding them that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all trace themselves back to the earthly fatherhood of Abraham.
And after announcing that St. Patrick would be added to their liturgical calendar, the Russian Orthodox Church has said they’re looking into adding other early Western saints as well.
The Washington Post profiled Anthony Ferguson, a former atheist who is now a seminarian for the Diocese of Richmond.
And Rebecca Frech reminded us of the unique gifts that “reverts” to Catholicism bring to the Church.
Jimmy Akin tells us what the Epistle of St. James has to say about the nature of Early Christianity.
And a Tudor mansion is offering an audio experience of the Mass as Henry VIII would have heard it.
EpicPew highlighted 4 Biblical facts every Protestant should know about the Annunciation.
Steve Ray asked whether Abraham was saved by “faith alone.”
Dave Armstrong tackled the myth that the Catholic Church has historically been an enemy of the Bible.
And Albert Little shared how he learned to love the saints while he was still an Evangelical.
The always insightful minds at the Dominicana blog have highlighted the various religious reasons that J.R.R. Tolkien chose March 25 as the date of the defeat of Sauron and the destruction of the One Ring. Definitely something to share with the Lord of the Rings enthusiasts in your life!
A new Catholic who’s struggling to find his place in the Church, a Jehovah’s Witness who is just beginning their study of the Catholic Church, and a number of members who are preparing to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church this Easter. These are just a few examples of the people we are working with this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by making us part of your Lenten giving! Visit chnetwork.org/donate today.
Put aside hatred and hostility. See to it that you refrain from harsh words. But if you do speak them, do not be ashamed to apply the remedy from the same lips that inflicted the wounds. In this way you will show each other mercy and not keep alive the memories of past wrongs.
St. Francis of Paola
Feast Day: April 2