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CHNetwork Weekly Roundup

The CHNetwork Weekly Roundup #009

July 8, 2016 No Comments

constitution-1486010_960_720Many of us enjoyed a short work week due to the July 4th holiday- but we still had a lot going on at CHNetwork!

For Independence Day, we shared the written conversion story of Christy Kellner, who claimed that George Washington made her Catholic.

This week’s Journey Home episode was an encore of our conversation with Mike Carlton, a former Presbyterian.  Mike told his wife they’d raise their 5 children in the Catholic faith, but there was no way he was ever becoming Catholic himself.  You can probably guess how that turned out.

For our CHN Partners blog, Marcus Grodi shared 10 steps of engagement to help our non-Catholic friends understand better what it means to be Catholic.  It’s very much worth printing out and hanging on to for future reference.

Our director JonMarc Grodi was invited back to the Faith with Reasons program on Annunciation Radio in Northeast Ohio.  Find their full episode archive here.

We guest posted at EpicPew a list of 8 essential terms to help you have a more successful Catholic-Protestant dialogue.

For #ThrowbackThursday, we found a 1998 episode of The Journey Home with Catholic Answers founder Karl Keating.  Not only was it a nice snapshot of the history of the world’s largest Catholic apologetics resource, it was also the Journey Home’s first ever attempt at taking calls live during the show!

And our CHN community responded to the question, “How did your non-Catholic congregation treat the word “catholic” if they recited the Nicene or Apostles’ Creeds?


Elsewhere around the web…

At the Catholic Answers blog, Jim Blackburn explained why St. Paul refers to himself as an apostle, even though he wasn’t one of the Twelve.  And longtime Catholic Answers Live radio host Patrick Coffin announced that he’d be stepping down at the end of the Summer.

At the Cordial Catholic blog, Albert Little wondered aloud, “What would the early Church look like if I had a time machine?

And Our Sunday Visitor published a handy reference to help explain how the Catholic Church approaches miracles.

Keep checking our site for continual updates, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for great resources and links!


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