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Pentecost and Conversion in the Latest Issue of OSV

May 6, 2016 No Comments

Ahead of Pentecost, our friends at Our Sunday Visitor have compiled a series of conversion and reversion stories to highlight the ongoing movement of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of people from every background imaginable.  Included among the 14 testimonies in the article is that of a former Wiccan, who found herself drawn to Catholicism amid an experience of personal tragedy:

Witchcraft has many denominations, if you will, and I was what is known as a solitary practitioner — no coven, just a quietly magical lifestyle with a belief in many deities, elemental powers, the benefit of spells, etc.

Time marched on until one day, I had an extremely profound experience following the stillbirth of my son and the completely unexpected consolations of a saint. It was such a shock that it changed my worldview, and I began to study Catholicism, shedding any prejudices I had for “organized” religion along the way…

Read the whole thing here.  Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love!

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