Marcus and Mark answer open-line questions from the audience. Mark recounts his journey from a “southwest St. Louis theist” to his conversion to Christ and attending a Baptist and later
Marcus and Steve answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Steve was reared by good decent Presbyterian parents, but “not a whole lot stuck.” After a couple of very
Dr. Anthony Rizzi, founder and director of the Institute for Advanced Physics, gained worldwide recognition in theoretical physics by solving an 80-year old problem in Einstein’s theory. With physics degrees
Marcus and David answer open-line questions from the audience. David was reared in a staunchly Fundamentalist home. He remembers being upset the day President Kennedy was assassinated because he believed
Born in Canada, Fr. Neuhaus was one of eight children of a Lutheran minister. When he was 14, he turned his life to Jesus Christ. Later, he moved to St.
Fr. Ker was brought in a conventional Anglican church. He was sent to an Anglican school. He stopped attending church when he began school at Oxford. He had his conversion
Myron was born in the Bronx, New York to Jewish parents. His grandfather and brother were Rabbis. Due to family problems his spiritual life basically consisted of attending services on the Jewish High Holy
When Pam was eight she asked her mother to take her to the little church at the end of our street. She began to drop her off every week for Sunday School. There Pam
Marcus and Joseph answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Joseph was born in the East End of London. As an embittered and angry young man the racial politics
Marcus and John answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. John grew up in a nonreligious home. As a boy he wanted to know the truth. In high school
Marcus and Ken answer open-line questions from the audience. Ken was not brought up in a Christian home. Through the witness of a friend he gave his life to Christ.
Marcus and Steve answer open-line questions from the audience. Brought up Baptist, Steve was taught by his parents to love Jesus and the Bible. As he grew, the more he