**20th Anniversary Issue**
Featured Conversion Story: “Our Journey Home” – by Marcus Grodi (former Presbyterian pastor)
“Go, Sell, Give, and Follow” – by Marcus Grodi (being willing to do what God is asking of us)
20th Anniversary Coming Home Network Statistics: Residences of Primary members (from 1993 to 2013)
Featured Conversion Story: “Full Communion” – by Fr. Donald Flumerfelt (former United Church of Canada)
“The Face of Jesus?” – by Marcus Grodi (Are we looking for Jesus?)
“From Wittenberg to Washington: the Ongoing Relevance of the Protestant Reformation” – by Dr. Kenneth Howell (“In the United States, the climate of religious and moral individualism devolved into pure subjectivism.”)
Featured Conversion Story: “More Than Enough” – by Kathy McDonald (former Lutheran Church Missouri Synod; discusses Luther’s doctrines)
“Letting Go” – by Marcus Grodi (“This is what we in the CHN consider the key to our work: standing beside those on the journey, helping them patiently trust that their lives, past, present, and future, are in the loving hands of God.”)
“From Sola Fide to Plena Fides ‘Justification and the Catholic Faith’” – by Dr. Kenneth Howell (“I Both Protestants and Catholics believe that Jesus Christ is, after the Incarnation, forever the God-Man but it is only in Catholicism that the Incarnation fits into the plan of salvation in the fullest way. The Reformation doctrine of justification does not include, or at least does not emphasize, the union of human beings with God.”)
Featured Conversion Story: “Towards Unity” – by Fr. Jurgen Liias (former Episcopal/Anglican priest)
“Illogical Logic” – by Marcus Grodi (reflections on sola Scriptura)
“Twenty Years and Still Reaching Out!’” – by Marcus Grodi (reflections on the Coming Home Network’s 20th Anniversary)
Featured Conversion Story: “From Calvin to Catholicism” – by Brian Besong (former Presbyterian)
“Journeys in Germany” – by Jim Anderson (CHN theologian reflects upon life in Germany)
“One of Our Primary Members is Ordained” (Fr. Jonathan Gibson was an Anglican priest for 25 years, now ordained a married Catholic priest)
“Persevering in Faith” – by Dr. Kenneth Howell (on salvation, “sola fide”, and grace)
Featured Conversion Story: “The Tiber — Neither Too Wide, Nor Too Deep” – by James L. Papandrea, M.Div., Ph.D (former Methodist pastor; prayer to the Saints)
“Carpooling to Rome: 10 Years of the Coming Home Network” – by Marcus Grodi (a special reprint of the 10th Anniversary newsletter reflection, in celebration of the 20th anniversary of CHN)
“Final Perseverance” – by Joseph Sollier (reflections on “once saved, always saved”)
Featured Conversion Story: “Led by the Good Shepherd to the Catholic Church” – by Ed Hopkins (former Campus Crusade for Christ member and Presbyterian; Church History)
“Conversions: Twenty Years and Counting” – by Dr. Kenneth Howell (on what it means to be “a convert”; on the nature of conversion)
“A Happy Anniversary” – by Kevin Lowry (reflections on the 20 years of the Coming Home Network’s ministry)
“Call No One On Earth Your Father” – by Fr. Ray Ryland (on Matthew 23 and the Catholic practice of addressing priests as “Father”)
Featured Conversion Story: “A Catholic Seed Sewn” – by Vicki Hassessian (former Nazarene and Calvary Church member)
“A Pilgrimage to Catholic England” – by Jim Anderson (CHN theologian travels to the most famous Catholic spots in England during his year in Germany)
“Laity on Their Way Home” – by Mary Clare Piecynski (reflections from lay members of the Coming Home Network)
“Praying Without Ceasing” – by Marcus Grodi
Featured Conversion Story: “The Corpus & the Cross: My Conversion to the Catholic Faith” – by Jackford Kolk (former Christian Reformed Church/Dutch Reformed; TULIP)
“Conveners Corner” – by Marcus Grodi (This article was originally published in the very first issue of the newsletter in July 1993; on the purpose of the CHN newsletter)
“Reflections” – by Fr. Ray Ryland (This article was originally published in the very first issue of the newsletter in July 1993; on what it means to be a convert)
“The Better Half” – by Ruth Ryland (Fr. Ray Ryland’s wife; This article was originally published in the very first issue of the newsletter in July 1993; reflections on what it means to journey with a clergy convert)
“Staff Update” – by Jim Anderson, Senior Advisor: History & Theology (updates on CHN’s membership and current work)
“Reflections” – by Marcus Grodi (This article was originally published in the very first issue of the newsletter in July 1993; reflections on sola Scriptura)
“Benedict XVI: A Shocking Pope” – by Dr. Kenneth Howell (a theologian’s thoughts on the pope’s resignation)
Featured Conversion Story: “My Pearl of Great Price” – by Sissi L. Baker (former Pentecostal)
“The Priesthood of All Believers” – by Br. Rex Anthony Norris
“Correct (but not!) Answers” – by Marcus Grodi (on authority)
Featured Conversion Story: “The ‘Full Gospel’” – by Ernest R. Freeman (former Pentecostal and Assemblies of God; unity, authority, “works-based” salvation, literal interpretation of Scripture)
“The Past to God’s Mercy, the Present to His Love, and the Future to His Providence” – by Dr. Kenneth Howell (reflections on trusting God)