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People Begin Exploring the Catholic Church for Many Reasons.


We aren’t assuming anything about why you are here. We’re just glad you are.

The Coming Home Network is a worldwide network of Christian men and women, clergy and laity. Many of us are lifelong Catholics who want to help others discover the beauty, fullness, and truth of the Church. The rest of us, by the thousands, were either brought up in other Christian traditions, or were fallen-away Catholics, or had no faith in Christ at all. However, as a result of encountering and seeking a closer walk with Christ, through the study of Scripture, history, the writings of the early Christians, as well as the continuity of official teachings throughout the history of the Church, we came to believe that the Body of Christ, the Church, and the fullness of Christian truth were to be found in the Catholic Church.

We greet you as a brother or sister in Christ, whether you are just now learning about the Catholic Church or are actively thinking about becoming Catholic. Regardless, we are not here to push, pull, or prod you into the Church! We want only to stand beside you, to answer any questions you might have, to provide helpful resources, and to create opportunities for you to fellowship with others on the journey.

Connect With Us Now

Reasons to Connect With the Network

Personal Connections: A staff member will reach out to you, get to know your background and spiritual needs, and if you would like  help you connect with other members of the CHNetwork who have made a similar journey. Additionally, our staff and volunteers will attempt to help you find the resources and local connections you need to pursue Christ wherever He is leading you.

Online Community: An active discussion forum and community tools put the CHNetwork right at your fingertips. Hear our journeys and share your own, as you connect with a community of intentional Christians dedicated to following Christ.

The CHNewsletter: For over 20 years, this flagship publication has been our way of staying connected, supporting each other in prayer and study, and sharing our stories – the stories of what Christ has done in our lives – with the whole world.

Exploring the Catholic Church?

Connect With a Network of Other Christians Who Became Catholic

The Coming Home Network was established by converts to Catholicism to help clergy and laity of other Christian traditions discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church and to make the journey home.

We would like to encourage you, as a convert or revert to the Catholic faith, to join the Coming Home Network International, both for your own continued edification and spiritual growth as well as for the fellowship and encouragement you can offer to others making a journey similar to your own. 

Join the Network

Our Mission of Conversion & Reunion

Certainly, every convert is a gift to the Church and represents a serious responsibility for her…especially in the case of adults, such converts bring with them a kind of new energy, an enthusiasm for the faith and a desire to see the Gospel lived out in the Church. They would be greatly disappointed if , having entered the ecclesial community, they were to find a life lacking fervor and without signs of renewal! We cannot preach conversion unless we ourselves are converted anew every day. John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, 47

What if converts and lifelong Catholics worked to rebuild Christian unity one friendship, one conversation, one prayer request, and one conversion story at a time?

Converts to the Catholic Church from other Christians denominations remain acutely aware of the divisions in the Body of Christ. We have a hard-won appreciation of the fullness of Truth and Beauty to be found in the Catholic Church, but we have seen continued work of the Holy Spirit among our separated Christian brothers and sisters, we remain grateful for the faithful witness of men and women who first introduced us to Jesus Christ long before we came home to Catholicism, and we continually yearn for the unity for which Christ prayed.

We need you in the Coming Home Network.

Our mission is to share the stories of how the Holy Spirit led us to the Catholic Church, to charitably and clearly dialogue with other Christians, and to personally disciple those who similarly embark on the journey home to full communion with the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Together we can ensure that every Christian who experiences the movement of grace has fellowship and support in coming home and then being at home in the Catholic Church.

Reasons to Become a Member of the CHNetwork

Continue Your Own Journey

The journey of becoming Catholic continues long after Easter. Just as with those not yet in the Church, our staff and helpers, online community, retreats, and other resources are available to help you continue your journey deeper into Christ as a Catholic.

The CHNewsletter

Each monthly CHNewsletter features a new conversion story, articles, and most importantly a list of prayer requests from around the network.

“Journeys Home” eBook & Other Free Downloads

30+ conversion stories, from both clergy and lay members of the CHNetwork. The "Journeys Home" eBook is one of the multiple downloadable resources available for members.

Online Community

Discussion forums and private groups for members of the CHNetwork to meet, ask and answer questions, and support each other on the journey.


Attend CHNetwork retreats and other events through which Converts and journeyers can gather for fellowship and prayer.

Serve Others and the Church

Share Your Story

The stories and input of converts help our staff and volunteers better serve those on the journey to Catholicism. We also have a variety of opportunities for members to share their stories with others, either directly with other members through fellowship opportunities such as our online community or CHN Retreats or possibly with a wider audience through The Journey Home Program on EWTN,  publication in the the CHNewsletter, or on our website.

Help Us Disciple Others

Get involved in our online community or attend one of our CHNetwork retreats for opportunities to meet other members on the journey, answer their questions, and encourage and pray for them in their struggles. We also look for opportunities to connect members on the journey with converts from similar backgrounds or geographical locations.

Spread the Word & Support the Network

You’ve made this journey. You know how difficult it can be but also what fruits it can yield for an individual and for the Church. Become a member of the CHNetwork and support the work through your input, prayers, fellowship, and (if you are so called and able) financial contributions.

Join the Network