Terrye Newkirk: Former Unitarian Discusses the Place of Mary

By Terrye Newkirk
December 12, 1997 | One Comment

Terry was reared in as a Disciples of Christ. As a young woman she was pulled into the counter culture movement of the 1960’s. She became involved in many New

David Currie: Former Bible Church Missionary Discusses Whether the Bible Alone is Enough

By David Currie
December 05, 1997 | No Comments

David was reared in a staunchly Fundamentalist home. He remembers being upset the day President Kennedy was assassinated because he believed that since he was Catholic he would go to hell.

Steve Ray: Former Baptist

By Steve Ray
November 28, 1997 | No Comments

In this episode Marcus and Steve talk about the unifying authority of St. Peter. Brought up Baptist, Steve was taught by his parents to love Jesus and the Bible. As he

David Palm: Former Baptist

By David Palm
November 21, 1997 | No Comments

David was brought up in a faithful Evangelical Protestant home. During his studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School he began a journey that, unknown to him, would lead him to

Curtis Martin: Revert from Non-Denominationalism

By Curtis Martin
November 14, 1997 | One Comment

Curtis was brought up in a devoted Catholic family. He experienced all the rites of passage as other Catholic children, but they didn’t touch his heart. While in college he

Michael Welker: To Catholicism from Zen Buddhism via Protestantism

By Michael Welker
November 07, 1997 | No Comments

Reared in Rockville, Maryland, Michael went to California to work for five years after high school, where he found an interest in Christianity, converting from Zen Buddhism. After moving to

Bob & Penny Lord: Reverts to Catholicism

By Bob & Penny Lord
October 31, 1997 | No Comments

After the untimely death of their son, Bob and Penny drifted away from the faith. God called them back to himself through a Marriage Encounter weekend, which changed their lives.

Open-Line With Colin Donovan: Life-long Catholic

By Colin Donovan
October 24, 1997 | No Comments

Marcus and Colin answer open line questions on Purgatory and Indulgences. Colin is Vice President for Theology at EWTN. He has a Licentiate in Sacred Theology, with a specialization in

Rosalind Moss: Convert from Judaism Discusses the Eucharist as Sacrifice

By Rosalind Moss
October 17, 1997 | No Comments

Rosalind was reared in a Jewish home in Brooklyn. At a young age he became an agnostic. In the mid-70’s, through the witness of her brother and other Jewish Christians,

Fr Ray & Ruth Ryland: Former Episcopalians

By Fr Ray & Ruth Ryland
October 10, 1997 | No Comments

Fr. Ray & Ruth were both brought up in the Desciples of Christ denomination. After serving in the Pacific during World War II, Fr. Ray attended seminary and was ordained

Dr. Kenneth Howell, Former Presbyterian Minister

By Kenneth Howell
October 03, 1997 | No Comments

Reared in a Protestant home, in his late teens Dr. Howell had a deep sense of the grace of God in his life and loved to read the Sacred Scriptures.

Steve Wood: Former Presbyterian Minister

By Steve Wood
September 26, 1997 | No Comments

Steve was reared by good decent Presbyterian parents, but “not a whole lot stuck.” After a couple of very wild years at the University of Florida, he dropped out and

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