Dr. Charlie & Kathleen Feicht: A Revert and Convert from Episcopalianism

By Charlie & Kathleen Feicht
June 11, 2001 | No Comments

Charlie’s father was Catholic and his mother was Methodist. He was brought up Catholic but was caught up in the madness of the ‘60’s and fell away from the faith.

Open-Line With Kristine Franklin: Former Non-Denominational Missionary

By Kristine Franklin
June 04, 2001 | No Comments

Marcus and Kristine answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Reared in a faithful Fundamentalist home. Kristine accepted Christ at the age of five. After attending Biola University, She

Nancy Montgomery: Cultural Catholic Who Discovered Christ

By Nancy Montgomery
May 28, 2001 | No Comments

Nancy was an average cradle Catholic. As a teen her beliefs were more influenced by popular culture than the Catholic faith. She had no true understanding of the Faith. God

Alec Sithong: Former Baptist

By Alec Sithong
May 21, 2001 | No Comments

Alec was born in Thailand coming from a Buddhist culture. He came to America with his family when he was six. In high school a Baptist friend introduced him to

Doug Keck: A Cultural Catholic Who Encountered Christ

By Doug Keck
May 14, 2001 | No Comments

Doug was raised Catholic in New York and always considered himself Catholic. During high school in the early 1970’s, the focus began to change to give him the impression that

Open-Line With Tim Staples: Former Assemblies of God Youth Minister

By Tim Staples
May 07, 2001 | No Comments

Marcus and Tim answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Tim was raised a Southern Baptist. Although he fell away from the faith of his childhood, he came back

Eric Pavlat: Former Unitarian

By Eric Pavlat
April 30, 2001 | No Comments

Eric grew up in the Unitarian-Universalist church. In his Sunday school, he wasn’t taught about God but about equality of people, democracy, searching for truth, human reason, pro-choice and Darwinian

Todd von Kampen: Former Lutheran

By Todd von Kampen
April 23, 2001 | No Comments

Todd was brought up in Nebraska. His family was Lutheran as far back as they could remember. He was baptized in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and never seriously doubted Jesus

Jim Conway: Former Episcopalian

By Jim Conway
April 16, 2001 | No Comments

Jim was reared in a good Catholic family of 11 boys and 2 girls. He felt pressure to succeed. In college, he left the Catholic and indulged in women and

Steve Clifford: Former Mormon

By Steve Clifford
April 02, 2001 | No Comments

Marcus and Steve answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience. Steve was born and raised in Utah in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons). His

Carolyn Kollegger: Former Secularist

By Carolyn Kollegger
March 26, 2001 | No Comments

Carolyn was baptized as a Catholic and went to Catholic grade school but was not raised in the faith at home. At a very young age she started modeling and

Lynn Nordhagen: Former Independent Charismatic Who Returned to Catholicism

By Lynn Nordhagen
March 19, 2001 | No Comments

Lynn was raised Catholic by convert parents. He says that she had an ideal faithful upbringing knowing that Jesus loved her and died for her at a very young age.

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