Kerstin Pakka – Former Nominal Christian

June 06, 2023 | No Comments

Kerstin Pakka grew up with a sense of Christianity as a moral code, but faith to her was always something she would get flashes of and sense from time to

Dr. John Bruchalski, Catholic Revert

May 23, 2023 | No Comments

Dr. John Bruchalski was raised Catholic, but considered himself pro-choice, even being willing to refer and perform abortions as an OB/GYN. He shares the events that led to a major

Alicia Baker – Catholic Revert

May 16, 2023 | No Comments

Alicia Baker was raised Catholic, but wasn’t very serious about her faith. As she got older and began to get into partying, she was taken advantage of and abused, and

Jeremy Christiansen, former Latter Day Saint

May 09, 2023 | No Comments

Jeremy Christiansen, author of From the Susquehanna to the Tiber, joined JonMarc Grodi to discuss his journey from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to the Catholic Church. He discusses the way

Ken Hensley and Kenny Burchard – Former Baptist and Foursquare Pastors

May 02, 2023 | No Comments

Ken Hensley and Kenny Burchard, well known to our CHNetwork family, share a bit about their journey to the Catholic Faith as former Protestant pastors, and dig into some of

Marc Lozano – Catholic Revert, Former Atheist

April 25, 2023 | No Comments

Marc Lozano was raised Catholic, but complained so much about going to Mass that his family stopped participating in the life of the Church. He became a convinced atheist, and

Soren Johnson – Former Evangelical Protestant

April 18, 2023 | No Comments

Soren Johnson came from an Evangelical background, and felt a call to ministry. He studied in various places, even going to Orthodox seminary, hoping it would form him to be

Deacon Larry Oney – Former Black Southern Baptist

April 04, 2023 | No Comments

Deacon Larry Oney grew up in a sharecropping family in Louisiana, experiencing the full range of poverty and racism that came with that life. In college, he met his future

Fr. Stephen Hilgendorf – Former Assemblies of God and Anglican

March 28, 2023 | No Comments

Fr. Stephen Hilgendorf grew up in the Assemblies of God, and when some of his fellow churchgoers began exploring Messianic Judaism as a way of connecting with tradition, it led

Lisa Cooper – Former Word of Faith

March 21, 2023 | No Comments

Lisa Cooper was baptized Catholic as a baby, but her parents quickly got into the Word of Faith movement, led by such figures as Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, and Marilyn

Charlie Johnston – Former Presbyterian and Non-Denominational Christian

March 14, 2023 | No Comments

Charlie Johnston was baptized in a Presbyterian Church, but his mom was Catholic. While he went to Presbyterian services growing up, he mostly just considered himself a Christian, also attending

Fr. Michael Rennier – Former Pentecostal and Anglican

March 07, 2023 | No Comments

Fr. Michael Rennier found Christ as a Pentecostal kid, but felt that there had to be something more than the pressure he felt to have emotional experiences in worship. His

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