Karen Sadock: Former Episcopalian

By Karen Sadock
August 09, 2004 | No Comments

Karen journey began as an unchurched youth in a nominally Protestant family. They defined themselves by “not being Catholic.” She gave her life to Christ after a sleep over at

Dr. Paul Thigpen: Former Evangelical Pentecostal Minister

By Paul Thigpen
August 02, 2004 | No Comments

Marcus and Paul answer open-line questions. Resources mentioned:  Dr. Paul Thigpen’s books CHResources publishing house Dr. Thigpen’s The Journey Home episodes: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Paul & Leisa Thigpen Dr.

Gary Hoge: Atheist Then Baptist

By Gary Hoge
July 26, 2004 | No Comments

Gary was baptized in the Methodist Church when he was six month old but his parents soon stopped attending church. The little he knew of Christianity was from his father

Patti Defilippis: Former Presbyterian

By Patti Defilippis
July 12, 2004 | No Comments

Patty met her husband, Leonardo, when they were actors in 1980, working for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Patti, who was raised Presbyterian, recalls that Leonardo was different from the other actors.

Msgr. Stuart Swetland: Former Lutheran

By Msgr. Stuart Swetland
June 14, 2004 | No Comments

Msgr. Swetland was raised, in Pennsylvania, by devout Lutheran parents. At the age of five he had thoughts of becoming a minister. From his family and congregation he learned a

Stephen K. Ray: Former Baptist

By Stephen K. Ray
June 07, 2004 | No Comments

Marcus and Steve answer open-line questions from the audience. Brought up Baptist, Steve was taught by his parents to love Jesus and the Bible. As he grew, the more he

Carolyn Baber: Former Lutheran

By Carolyn Baber
May 24, 2004 | No Comments

Carolyn was brought up in a devout Missouri Synod Lutheran home. Being Lutheran was part of her identity. She married a man who as reared Jewish but was a convert

Fr. Terry Kraychuk: A Lapsed Catholic Who Returned to the Faith

By Fr. Terry Kraychuk
May 17, 2004 | No Comments

Father Terry was born in Canada, and although he was canonically a Ukrainian Catholic he was mostly raised in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church. At a young age

Dr. Jeffrey Schwehm: Former Jehovah’s Witness

By Jeffrey Schwehm
May 10, 2004 | No Comments

Jeff was raised a Lutheran until his parents became Jehovah’s Witnesses when he was six years old. He became very active with the Witnesses and even left his home to

Ned South: Former Episcopal Priest

By Ned South
May 03, 2004 | No Comments

Ned and Marcus answer open-line questions from the Journey Home audience.

Dr. Deal Hudson: Former Baptist Minister

April 26, 2004 | No Comments

As a child, Deal attended a Presbyterian Church at his mother’s promptings. In high school, after being witnessed to by a Southern Baptist friend, he accepted Jesus and joined the

Dr. Robert Stackpole: Former Anglican Minister

By Robert Stackpole
April 19, 2004 | No Comments

Dr. Stackpole is the Director of the John Paul II Institute of Divine Mercy (www.thedivinemercy.org) based in Stockbridge Massachusetts. An American by birth, Robert Stackpole earned a B.A. in History from

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