Abby Johnson: Former Planned Parenthood Employee

January 20, 2014 | No Comments

Abby Johnson, author and speaker, is a convert to the Catholic Church.  Abby talks about growing up in southwest Louisiana in a great Christian home environment.  Despite living in a

Sara Piazza: Revert from Judaism

January 13, 2014 | No Comments

Marcus Grodi welcomes Sara Piazza who shares her interesting journey to the Catholic Church, on to Judaism, and then returning Home. Sara grew up on the Island of Martha’s Vineyard.

Dr. Norman McCrummen: Former Presbyterian

January 06, 2014 | No Comments

Dr. Norman McCrummen returns to the Journey Home to discuss further his conversion to Catholicism after serving and retiring as a Presbyterian minister.  He explains the significance of the Eucharist

Msgr. Michael Magee: Former United Methodist

December 30, 2013 | No Comments

Marcus Grodi welcomes Monsignor Michael Magee, professor at Roman Catholic Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia.  Msgr. Magee shares the story of his journey growing up in Baton Rouge, LA.  His

Dr. David Anders: Former Presbyterian

December 23, 2013 | No Comments

Marcus Grodi welcomes a returnee to the program, Dr. David Anders, whose conversion story aired on EWTN on December 6, 2010.  David is a former Calvinist and protestant historian from

Jason Stellman: Former Presbyterian Minister

December 09, 2013 | No Comments

Jason Stellman, former Presbyterian pastor shares his conversion story.  Growing up in a nominally Christian home, Jason talks about his first real exposure to the faith at age 12 through

Philip Frederick: Former Non-Practicing Protestant

December 02, 2013 | No Comments

Philip Frederick shares his conversion story from growing up in a family where, despite faith being a non-issue, he and his three siblings had a wonderful childhood.  It was not

Biff Rocha: Revert (background in Campus Crusade for Christ)

November 25, 2013 | No Comments

Biff Rocha grew up in a nominally Catholic home, but, in his mind, he was a “good Catholic”.  Looking back on his formative years, Biff realizes that he lived at

Steven Lawson: Former Agnostic; revert

November 11, 2013 | No Comments

Steven Lawson, son of Catholic parents, grew up in Buffalo, NY.  A regular attender of weekly mass and youth group events, Steven began to have questions about his faith.  His

Brian Nelson: Former Christian Reformed

November 04, 2013 | No Comments

Brian Nelson’s passion is music.  It is interwoven in his life’s story and in his conversion from Protestantism to Catholicism.  Originally a performance major at the University, Brian switched to

Billie Mobley: Former Baptist

October 28, 2013 | No Comments

Marcus welcomes Catholic revert Billie Mobley to the Journey Home Program.  Billie, a native of Newark, NJ, and a daughter of a Southern Baptist mother and a first-generation Portuguese Catholic

Jeff Barefoot: Former Evangelical Protestant

October 13, 2013 | One Comment

Jeff was a Unitarian, Grace Brethren, Methodist, and Lutheran before he converted to Catholic. He discusses with Marcus what influenced his decision.

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