Conversion StoriesLutheranPresbyterian & ReformedPresbyterian Church (USA)

Dr. Leroy Huizenga – Former Lutheran and Presbyterian

May 3, 2018 No Comments

Dr. Leroy Huizenga was baptized Catholic, but raised Lutheran, and had his first real personal encounter with Christ in his teens. He decided to pursue a degree in theology, and went on to teach in Germany. Along the way, he kept wrestling with the propositions of Calvinism, because some of them seemed to fit well with Scripture, and some seemed to be in opposition to the Scriptures. Dr. Huizenga happened to be visiting Rome when John Paul II died, and seeing the universal Church on display there began to open his heart to the Catholic faith in ways that mere arguments hadn’t. Eventually, he felt himself led by both faith and reason to enter the Church, and now is a professor at the University of Mary in North Dakota.

Dr. Leroy Huizenga is also the author of Loosing the Lion: Proclaiming the Gospel of Mark.