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About Us

The Coming Home Network was established to help non-Catholic Christians, clergy and laity, discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church.

As a network of converts, “reverts,” and life-long Catholics, it is our goal to help each other and all Christians hear and answer the universal call “to the fullness of the Christian life and to the perfection of charity” (LG 40). In doing this, we hope to assist the Catholic Church in fulfilling her mission of evangelization and Christ’s call for Christian unity, as proclaimed by St. John Paul II in his encyclical, “That They May Be One” (Ut Unum Sint).

Religious & Denominational Backgrounds
Members on the Journey to Catholicism

Who We Are

Though not generally known, non-Catholic clergy and laity from across the denominational spectrum are coming home to the Catholic Church. They come with great enthusiasm and commitment to follow Jesus Christ wherever He leads, even if this means coming out of their previously comfortable and familiar spiritual surroundings into the Catholic Church. Many of them come with great gifts for ministry, including years of training and experience, along with information and ideas for authentic Church renewal.

This journey can also be traumatic. It often results in the loss of friends and family, as well as the loss of career and financial support. It usually requires a rethinking of one’s doctrinal and moral convictions, as well as one’s vocation as a child of God. Sometimes the most difficult part of the journey occurs after they have come home.

The CHNetwork was established by clergy and lay converts to Catholicism, along with lifelong Catholics, as a network of support for others who are or may be on the journey to the Catholic Church.

The purpose of the CHNetwork is to assist the Catholic Church in fulfilling its mission of evangelization and its call for Christian unity, as proclaimed by Pope John Paul II in his encyclical, “That They May Be One” (Ut Unum Sint).

What We Provide

Resources, assistance, and fellowship for those who are exploring the teaching and history of the Catholic Church, and are considering becoming Catholic.

Continued fellowship and encouragement for those who have entered the Church and want to live fully Catholic lives.

A free, monthly Coming Home Newsletter that features conversion stories, articles, announcements, and a prayer list for the needs of members.

Books, literature, and audio/visual resources that give clear expressions of the Catholic Faith.

A free online archive of conversion stories, articles, videos, talks, podcasts, downloads, and a variety of other resources for those learning about the Catholic faith.

Online community forums and groups that allow converts and inquirers from all over the world and from many theological or vocational backgrounds to find connection and fellowship for the journey home and beyond.

Retreats and other events through which CHNetwork members can meet for discussion, fellowship, and prayer.

Our Story

We strove to follow Jesus with our whole hearts and this led us somewhere we never expected: the Catholic Church.

The CHNetwork began in 1993 out of the seemingly isolated experiences of Marcus and Marilyn Grodi and several other Protestant clergy and their spouses. Upon leaving their pastorates to enter the Catholic Church, these clergy and their families discovered with surprise that there were many others being drawn by the Spirit to take the same journey “home.”

To help bring these inquirers and converts together, we started the CHNewsletter and scheduled gatherings and retreats. The fellowship grew and now every week the Lord adds new members as clergy and laity from other traditions seek assistance and encouragement as they consider coming home to the Catholic Church.

The CHNetwork has been featured on EWTN television and radio as well as in national publications such as Our Sunday Visitor, The National Catholic Register, Christianity Today, This Rock, Lay Witness, and The Catholic Answer. 

We have also received great encouragement from such Church leaders as Francis Cardinal George, Raymond Cardinal Burke, Bishop Robert J. Baker, Mother Angelica of EWTN, Karl Keating of Catholic Answers, Patrick Madrid, Dr. Thomas Howard, Dr. Scott Hahn, and Fr. Michael Scanlan, former President and Chancellor of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.