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The Coming Home Network

Sharing the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church and helping you make the journey home.

Our Mission

The Coming Home Network was established to help non-Catholic Christians, clergy and laity, discover the truth and beauty of Catholicism and to make the journey home to full communion with the Catholic Church.

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Join a network of Christians, clergy and laity, who have come home to full communion with the Catholic Church.

Hear Our Stories

Explore our conversion testimonies as well as articles, videos, and other resources that will help you discover and live out the fullness of the Christian life.

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Find fellowship and support from others who have made the journey home to the Catholic Church.

Support For Pastors

If you are a pastor or minister in a Protestant or other non-Catholic tradition, The Coming Home Network exists to support you in the unique struggles and hurdles you may be facing as you consider becoming Catholic.

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Latest Stories and Resources

St. Chromatius of Aquileia (ad 340–408), preached something about these Beatitudes that I had never heard, but which was understood by many of the early Doctors of the Church. In a sermon on Matthew, Chromatius wrote: Our Lord, our savior, establishes extremely solid steps of precious stones, by which saintly souls and faithful can climb, can rise to this supreme good, which is the kingdom of heaven…. Brethren, before your eyes are the eight rungs of the gospel, constructed, as I have said, with precious stones. Behold Jacob’s ladder which starts on earth and whose top touches heaven. He who climbs it finds the gate of heaven, and having entered it, will have endless joy in the presence of the Lord, eternally praising Him with the holy angels.
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The call for Christian unity resounds more loudly than ever. In what appears to be a disintegrating culture, unity among Christians may be the one source of real hope.
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I believe that a careful study of the doctrine of the Church in the New Testament would lead any honest Christian to realize that the Church is necessary for salvation. The Church is necessary because of what Christ made it to be. Grace is necessary to be saved, and so he made the Church an instrument of grace.
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Marcus Grodi

A former Presbyterian minister who joined the Catholic Church in 1992, Marcus Grodi is now an author, speaker, founder and president of the Coming Home Network International, and the host of The Journey Home Program on EWTN.

Conversion StoryMore About Marcus