Discovering the Fullness – Rosalind Moss

Raised Jewish, Rosalind Moss came to know Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and later became an Evangelical minister. She was challenged to examine the history and teachings of the Catholic Church expecting to be reaffirmed in her belief in its errors.

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Study Questions:

-Moss recounts her understanding of the way in which Passover was celebrated for her as a modern-day Jew. What insights into the Catholic, Eucharistic celebration does she draw?

-What point does Moss make about illiteracy and Bible-alone Christianity?

-Moss describes how Evangelical Christians first illuminated the Hebrew Scriptures for her, showing that Jesus fulfills all the Messianic prophesies. After hearing her story, how important is it for Christians to know how to describe salvation history? What difference can it make in another person’s life?

-Moss quotes Archbishop Charles Chaput, regarding the importance of history: “A people without a sense of history,
is like a people with amnesia. They don’t know who they are. They’ve lost their identity. The past gives meaning to the
present and the present determines the future.” Why is it important to know who we are? Why is it important to pass
on identity to our children?

-Have you ever experienced what Scott Hahn refers to as “Holy Shock”?

-What point does Moss make regarding sola scriptura (“Bible-alone”) Christianity?

-Moss discusses the visible Church in light of the Kingdom of Israel. Did you gather any new insights about the nature of the Church? If this differs from your faith tradition, what are the differences?

Did Moss’ Jewish heritage enlighten Christianity for you? If so, in what ways?