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Church of Christ

Hear the stories of Christians from a Restorationist background whose journeys led them to become Catholic.

[Our family] attended Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday night services in a large, active Churches of Christ congregation. Our social as well as religious life revolved around this church… When I met my husband at our ten year high school reunion, one of our first conversations was about faith. He had been raised Catholic but had not been attending Mass regularly. I wasn’t deterred by the difference in our traditions; that, I felt, could be overcome.

– Rachelle Parker

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Lawain McNeil 13:20

Lawain McNeil grew up in a strong Christian home, and early on, felt a call to ministry. He pursued a degree in Biblical studies and ended up serving in the Church of Christ. A number of factors in his life led him to begin exploring the Catholic Faith, including an interest in the Catholic literary and artistic tradition, and friendship with others who shared his background and were also interested in Catholicism. He shares how all those threads came together as he made his way home to the Church. Watch Lawain’s story.

Dr. David Russell Mosley 8:42

Dr. David Russell Mosley’s journey led him to studies at Lincoln University, and his academic work took him to England, where his love for Tolkien, Lewis and Chesterton helped deepen his faith. When he and his wife were blessed with twins shortly after getting married, and one of their sons experienced major medical difficulties, it brought David’s intellectual journey into a very practical lived reality of trusting God, and started him on an even deeper journey that would lead him to consider the claims of Catholicism. Watch David’s Signposts.

Dr. Kenneth Craycraft 56:09

Ken Craycraft’s formation was in the Church of Christ/Restorationist movement. As he continued to study theology, he was bothered by the question of authority; who could validly interpret Scripture, and more importantly, how did the people who put the Bible itself together have the authority to do so? Along the way, he met several faithful and intelligent Catholics who could address some of these concerns, including Thomas Howard, who ended up being his sponsor into the Catholic Church. Watch Ken’s story. 


More Inspiration for the Journey

Explore the full archive of stories from former members of the Church of Christ.

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Recommended Books & Other Resources

Christ in His Fullness

by Bruce Sullivan

Christ in His Fullness details the journey of Bruce Sullivan, who was a Church of Christ minister for seven years before entering the Catholic Church.

Journeys Home

edited by Marcus Grodi

Journeys Home contains the stories of men and women who, having surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ, heard a call to follow Him more completely. Many of them were pastors or missionaries. Others were lay men and women who, though working in secular jobs, took their calling to serve Christ in the world very seriously. In each case, their desire to follow Christ faithfully, and to remain faithful to the truth He taught and the Church He established through His apostles, led them to embrace the Catholic Church.

Journeys Home 2

edited by Marcus Grodi

Journeys Home 2 gathers together more conversion stories of men and women, clergy and laity, who found themselves drawn to the beauty and truth of the Catholic Church.