Welcome again to the weekly digest of original and curated content from The Coming Home Network! Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve been working on this week:
Joshua Clemmons was this week’s guest on The Journey Home. His path toward the Catholic Church began with a simple question- if all we need is Jesus for salvation, and the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Bible, then why do so many of us get up so early on Sunday mornings?
We made available to watch and share an absolutely fascinating Deep in History lecture from Fr. Charles Connor, wherein he explores the counter-reformation as it looked in England under the reign of Elizabeth I and the missionary activity of the English Jesuits.
For #ThrowbackThursday, we found our 2003 Journey Home interview with Catholic film critic Deacon Steven Greydanus– great insight into where his movie reviews are coming from!
In our Written Story feature, Adam Crawford shared how delving deep in history led him to the doorstep of the Catholic Church.
And our Coming Home Network Community shared some of the explanations that they found most helpful when it came to understanding the Church’s teaching on Purgatory.
Elsewhere, around the web…
Catholic News Agency profiled a couple of Swedish nominal Lutherans who were inspired to convert to Catholicism by watching EWTN while they were living in the Middle East.
Scripture scholar Dr. Brant Pitre tackled the confusing Gospel reading from this Sunday, which shows Jesus praising the actions of a dishonest steward.
St. John the Baptist in Bridgeport, PA was announced as the 8th parish in the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.
At Crisis Magazine, David Michael Phelps discussed the idea of learning to love the Rosary as a former Protestant.
For this week’s feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Journey Home alum Taylor Marshall looked at how to explain the Sign of the Cross to Protestants, and Phillip Kosloski addressed the skeptical claim that all there are enough relics of the True Cross circulating to build a large ship.
And a recent archaeological claim purporting to show evidence that Jesus had a wife was exposed as a “fraud of Biblical proportions.“
Check out our website for 20+ years of archived Journey Home episodes, and be sure to visit and share our BRAND NEW landing page for RCIA participants and leaders: chnetwork.org/RCIA!
Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother
and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.
When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved
he said to his mother, “Woman, behold, your son.”
Then he said to the disciple,
“Behold, your mother.”
And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.
John 19:25-27
Gospel reading for the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows, Sept 15