We don’t often talk liturgical preference at CHNetwork, but this week, doing so will hopefully help provide important insight into the way that worship styles unite or divide believers. This week’s question goes as follows:
“Were you ever part of a Church that underwent ‘worship music wars?’”
These can take a number of forms- either a community with a single worship service overhauls its entire musical style (often when a new music minister comes in), or perhaps a congregation voluntarily divides itself into those who prefer traditional worship music, and those who prefer contemporary music, essentially creating two churches who share the same building.
Many of us who converted to Catholicism have noted that there is certainly tension between old and new musical styles in the liturgy, and have come to see how the Catholic Church after Vatican II has tried to hold variety and consistency in balance. How have the Catholic congregations you’ve been part of dealt with differing musical preferences? Has it been similar to or different from your protestant experience?
Whenever liturgy comes up, strong opinions tend to come out- please share freely with us, but please be respectful! We’ll post some of your responses at the end of the week.