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Praying for the Faith of our Grandchildren
with Sts. Anne and Joachim

July 26, 2024 No Comments

In the course of our work, we often hear from grandparents asking us to pray for their children and grandchildren who have stopped practicing their faith or have left the Church.

On July 26, the Church honors Sts. Anne and Joachim, the Blessed Virgin Mary’s parents and Jesus’ grandparents. Through their intercession, we lift up the prayers of those grandparents:

Saints Anne and Joachim, you were especially favored by God to be the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the grandparents of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Come close and be near to us in our distress over loved ones who are far from Christ and His Church. Intercede for us to your grandson, Jesus, for our children and grandchildren and all who have wandered away from the Faith. Remain close to them and help them find their way back home to the Church. Place in their paths godly women and men who can speak the Truth in such a way that they can hear. Help us also to discern how best to guide them with a gentle heart as you did, and pray that we may not give into despair. Amen.

Saints Anne and Joachim, pray for us.


For those looking for more support as they pray for their children and grandchildren, Brother Rex (CHNetwork Spiritual Advisor) recommends The Catholic Grandparents Association, an international charitable organization whose mission is to provide prayer and support for grandparents. They have been instrumental in advocating for greater recognition of grandparents for their role and vocation in passing on the faith, including the establishment of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly by Pope Francis in 2021, now celebrated by the universal Church on the Sunday closest to the memorial of Sts. Anne and Joachim. You can learn more by visiting

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