Conversion StoriesWesleyan

Dr. Brian McGee – Former Wesleyan

December 15, 2020 No Comments

Dr. Brian McGee wasn’t raised in a family that went to church, but early on, a babysitter decided to take him and his siblings to a local Wesleyan church, and he was hooked. Through his teens, he became very active in his local community, but felt like there was a better way to harmonize faith and reason than he was seeing in his local Christian congregation. When Dr. McGee visited his first Mass in his 20’s, he was hit with a wave of emotions, from confusion to curiosity, and he knew he needed to learn more about Catholicism. Along the way, a lot of the things he’d originally found repulsive about Catholicism, from its view of Mary and the Saints, to Confession, to some of the Church’s more controversial moral teachings, eventually became beautiful to him, and he knew he had to become Catholic.

Dr. McGee now serves as president of Quincy University.