Thanks to your generous support, 2024 was one of our most exciting years ever for online content. We were able to cover everything from conversion stories to apologetics to spiritual growth, and more… and we have plans for a lot more exciting new content in 2025!
In the meantime, here were the Top 10 most popular videos and/or series that we published over the past year:
10. When Public Figures Convert – Deep in Christ
Whether it’s an actor, an athlete, an author, or an academic, when someone with a high public profile announces their interest in becoming Catholic, there can often be a wide variety of reactions from both the religious tradition they come from, and the new Church family they’re joining. And often they’re rushed into the spotlight and encouraged to begin sharing their story immediately.
JonMarc Grodi and Matt Swaim share how The Coming Home Network — which was founded by a pastor who left public ministry to become Catholic — thinks about the care of these souls, and how they encourage fellow Catholics to treat them as their new brothers and sisters in the Church. Watch the episode.
9. How I Discovered I Was Protestant – Soren Johnson
As a young Evangelical, Soren Johnson didn’t think much about the Reformation, until a question from an Orthodox priest during a mission trip to Russia got him to ponder what it meant for him to be a Christian in the Protestant tradition.
He shares how wrestling with that, and reflecting on Christ’s prayer for unity among His followers, put him on a path toward the Catholic Church. Watch Soren’s video.
8. The Sign of the Cross – Deep in Christ
It’s one of the most recognizable gestures in any religion; but why do Catholics make the Sign of the Cross, and what is the significance of it?
JonMarc Grodi reflects on what it means to invoke God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and how we can be more intentional about the way we participate in this simple but powerful prayer. Watch the episode.
7. If We Hadn’t Become Catholic – On the Journey
Ken Hensley was a Baptist pastor, Kenny Burchard was a Foursquare pastor, and Matt Swaim came from the Wesleyan tradition. They all ended up in the Catholic Church.
But what if they hadn’t?
Matt, Ken, and Kenny reflect on some of the radical ways their lives have changed since becoming Catholic, and how things might be different if they hadn’t entered the Church. Watch the episode.
6. Advice for Protestants Attending their First Mass – On the Journey
If you’ve only ever been to Protestant church services, what should you know before you visit a Catholic Mass?
Ken Hensley was a Baptist pastor, Kenny Burchard was a Foursquare pastor, and Matt Swaim came from the Wesleyan Holiness movement. Now that all three of them are Catholic, they share some of the things they wish people had explained to them before they went to Catholic Mass for the first time. Watch the episode.
5. Finally Deciding to Visit a Catholic Mass – Dr. Benjamin Lewis
Like many who have learned about Catholicism primarily through reading and study, Dr. Benjamin Lewis found himself at a crossroads, where knew he needed to visit an actual Catholic Church, and attend an actual Catholic Mass, to see how that experience fit with the things about Catholicism he’d been asking about for years as a United Methodist.
He shares some great thoughts for anyone who’s curious about Catholicism but hasn’t yet worked up the nerve to finally attend a Catholic Mass. Watch his video.
4. When a Pastor Becomes Catholic – Ken Hensley
What happens when a Protestant pastor feels a new call on his heart from God, to lay down his ministry and become a Catholic?
Ken Hensley shares what that looked like in his own life when he was serving as a Baptist pastor, and how he works today with dozens of men and women in similar situations through The Coming Home Network.
Are you a pastor looking for fellowship and encouragement as you explore the Catholic Faith? Our apostolate was founded specifically to assist people like you. Watch Ken’s video.
3. Kenny Burchard’s Story – On the Journey
in a 7 part series, Kenny Burchard shares the story of how he ended up in the Catholic Church. From being raised in a religion-free household, to having a born-again experience as a teenager, to navigating Christianity through his time in the Navy and eventually becoming a Pentecostal pastor and church planter, Kenny shares the sequence of events, experiences and insights that eventually led him and his family to embrace the Catholic Faith. Watch the series.
2. How a Church of Christ Minister Became Catholic – Lawain McNeil
Though raised Free Will Baptist, it was as a teenager in a Church of Christ context that Lawain McNeil’s faith caught fire, especially under the mentorship of a basketball coach. Feeling called to ministry, he studied at Cincinnati Bible College and became ordained in that tradition, which was committed to restoring the ideals of the early Church.
However, as he continued to study what the earliest Christians actually believed and how they worshipped, Lawain began to notice several things present in history that were absent from his own belief and worship.
He decided to seek out a spiritual home where all those elements of early Christian doctrine and practice were still living realities; and that search eventually led him to the Catholic Church. Watch Lawain’s testimony.
1. Dei Verbum – On the Journey
Many are familiar with the fact that the Catholic Church does not hold to the Reformation doctrine of sola Scriptura. But what does the Catholic Church teach about God’s Word?
Matt Swaim, Ken Hensley and Kenny Burchard did a 9-part series unpacking Dei Verbum, the Catholic Church’s official document on Divine Revelation from the Second Vatican Council. They began by looking at the historical climate leading up to the council in the early 1960’s, and how that provided a new opportunity for the Church to re-articulate its understanding of how God speaks to His people. Watch the series.
We were thrilled to be able to share so much wonderful video content in 2024! With the help of your generous support, we hope to continue to share a lot more of it in 2025. Happy New Year!