No conversion ever happens in a vacuum! Even if it’s just one person standing before the Church making a profession of faith and receiving the sacraments, that person is connected to a family, friends, and sometimes even longstanding relationships with the congregation they were a part of before they became Catholic.
Time and time again in our work, we’ve seen how one person’s desire to seek the truth has had ripple effects that impact their spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and even their own parents. Here are a few testimonies from the past year that illustrate that principle:
“It was quite the sight. My dad had only been Catholic eight years and upon the altar at his funeral Mass there was a bishop and nine priests, one of which was his college fraternity brother!
“I never dreamed when I joined the Catholic Church as a 22-year-old, just an hour before my wedding rehearsal dinner, that both of my parents would join the Church 16 years later. They always accompanied us for Easter and Christmas Eve Masses and made it a point to be at every sacrament for their (then) six grandchildren. We never pushed it; the invitation was always there.
“The conversions didn’t end there, however. My brother and my brother-in-law’s wife both joined the church shortly after I converted to Catholicism. With them, there had been more questions, more late nights and more skepticism, but ultimately, we always provided the invitation. The Holy Spirit did the heavy lifting.
“Through all of those conversions, I realized that everyone’s path to the church is unique. I can’t talk someone into joining, but we can continue to invite, answer questions thoughtfully, and fully integrate our faith into our daily life. That’s the joy Jesus describes in the Gospels. When we can remember that a life of faith is always an invitation, just as Jesus held the door open for his own disciples, then the ripple effect continues.” –K.W. from Texas
“Joining the Catholic Church has been life changing in so many positive ways, and not just for myself. After my own journey into the Church, my wife went through OCIA and came into the Catholic Church at the 2023 Easter Vigil. Now, my three kids are active in the church and faith formation.
“My oldest son, who is 11 years old, had his first communion and is an altar server. We have become active in our parish, attended a Jubilee weekend retreat together (a spiritual mountain top experience!), and are closer as a family. I’m a better husband, father, and colleague, with a much better perspective on life. Thanks be to God!
“What has really blown me away is that my parents, longtime Southern Baptists who were very upset when I announced I was exploring Catholicism two years ago, have seen how life altering the Catholic Church has been for me.
“My parents grew to accept my decision, and in a completely unexpected turn of events, started attending OCIA just a few weeks ago! They have been attending Mass with us as a family as well! They still have a way to go, so your prayers for them would be greatly appreciated.
“I am in such a better place when compared to where I was a few years ago, and I’m so thankful to those at the Coming Home Network for being part of my journey. -A.B. from North Carolina
“In 2018, I learned about Theology of the Body through a Protestant podcast. I bought Theology of the Body for Beginners and shared it with my friend, Kelsey. She grew up with a similar background (Church of Christ) and values. Both of us were grappling with being unmarried and in our late 20’s, wondering how we could still glorify God with our bodies and live a life of meaning. Finding TOB deepened and enriched our view of human sexuality and living as Body and Soul.
“Kelsey and I continued our studying of Catholicism (teachings on the saints, Mary, history of Christianity) and would share books and talk about what we learned whenever we saw each other (around once or twice a year since we lived in different states).
“In 2020, I had a new roommate who used to be a Catholic FOCUS missionary (no coincidences with God). She ended up being my sponsor and helped me cross the Tiber in February 2021. Kelsey was at my Confirmation, and I got to be at hers a few months later on Easter 2021.
“Another dear friend, Desi, who was baptized Catholic, was also at my Confirmation and was grappling with her faith as well. Her family did not attend Mass growing up, and she was brought to my family’s church by her neighbor when she was little. She had a lot of pain and grief happen in her life and was asking God for answers on the afterlife and suffering. She had watched my journey into the Church and came to Adoration with me as well. She started attending RCIA in September 2021 and was confirmed on Easter 2022—the same parish, she learned that year, that she was baptized in.
“It’s amazing the fruit and ripple effects that happen when we are faithful to what is in front of us!” – C.H. from Texas
Every day, we meet more people who are seeking to follow God’s voice, and finding a home in the Catholic Church. It is always exciting to watch how God uses their stories to impact those around them!
Please pray for all our CHNetwork members who are following God’s call on their lives, as they hope to share the beauty, truth and goodness they’ve discovered with the people they love the most.