Got a question about the Catholic Faith, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for support. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, “reverts,” those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
The latest from CHNetwork
This week’s episode of The Journey Home was a conversation with Dr. Tory Baucum, a former Episcopal priest and seminary professor who shared his journey to the Catholic Faith.
In a new On The Journey short, Ken Hensley looked at evidence from the New Testament that Jesus intended to found one Church. Be sure to look for Episode 1 of our new On the Journey series about The Church next week!
We put out a CHNetwork Presents short, in which Jim Papandrea and Rod Bennett reflected on connections between the questions of Science Fiction and the questions that the Church Fathers grappled with.
And on a new Insights video, Norman bin Yazid shared how he overcame some of the anti-Catholic biases he used to hold as a Seventh-day Adventist.
Monday was the feast of St. Augustine, and the birthday of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, two converts we go to often at The Coming Home Network!
And the National Catholic Register dug more into the story of the conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Amy Welborn dug into the extraordinary story of St. Raymond Nonnatus, whose feast day was this week.
And Jennifer Fitz looked at the necessary connection between hospitality and evangelization.
A member whose interest in Catholicism has put great strain on their marriage, a number of our members whose children are going through difficult situations, and all our members preparing to begin OCIA — these are just a few of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“He who created us without our help will not save us without our consent.”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Feast Day: August 28