Got a question about the Catholic Faith, or need assistance on your journey? Consider joining our Online Community, or feel free to contact us for support. The Coming Home Network exists to help converts, reverts, those on the journey, and those who are just curious – we’d love to hear from you!
The latest from CHNetwork
This week’s episode of The Journey Home was a wonderful conversation with Sr. Diana Marie Andrews, O.P., about her journey from the LDS church to Catholicism.
In a new On the Journey, Matt, Ken, and Kenny concluded their series on turning from idols to serve the living God by focusing on the virtue of perseverance.
In a newly available written story, former Methodist pastor James Whittaker shared his journey to the Catholic Faith.
And on our newest Insights video, Mick Souza shared how growing up fatherless led him to lean on God as a loving Father.
Joseph Pearce reflected on the conversion story and spiritual journey of Star Wars icon Sir Alec Guinness.
And Rod Bennett and his son started a series on their Popcorn Cathedral podcast exploring the curious case of why Indiana Jones, who has witnessed the power of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail, still hasn’t managed to convert.
Jimmy Akin reflected on why Pope Francis is so interested in Blaise Pascal.
And Ann DeSantis shared some basic things to consider if you’re having trouble picking a patron saint for Confirmation.
A member whose friendships are being threatened by their interest in Catholicism, another member who wants to become Catholic but their spouse is opposed to the idea, and all our members who are considering entering OCIA at the end of the Summer — these are just a few of the people we are praying for and working with at The Coming Home Network. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“If honor were profitable, everyone would be honorable.”
St. Thomas More
Feast Day: June 22