Time is running out to make your year-end tax deductible gift to support the Coming Home Network! We have some great premiums available for those who donate at certain levels. Go to chnetwork.org/donate to make a gift today!
The end of the year means lots of countdown lists, and we put out two of our own! We hope you enjoy looking back on the Top 10 Journey Home Episodes of 2017, as well as the Top 10 CHNetwork Online Features of 2017. Lots of great content this year – we encourage you to revisit it!
In our latest Insights video short, Chris Reibold, AKA “the Saint Story Guy,” shared how he went from being an atheist to believing in the communion of saints.
In an article for the CHNetwork blog, Ken Hensley argued that even atheistic naturalism requires a measure of faith in order to operate.
And with the New Year upon us, don’t forget to download our FREE guide to read the Bible and the Catechism in a year – a great resolution for 2018!
Meanwhile, around the web…
In Our Sunday Visitor, Russell Shaw reflected on the state of the divide between Eastern and Western Christianity, 1000 years after the split.
Jimmy Akin tackled the question of who wrote John’s Gospel.
And Joe Heschmeyer argued that while all Trinitarian water Baptisms are sacramental, what some protestants believe about Baptism is closer to what John the Baptist was doing than what Jesus commanded.
Msgr Charles Pope reflected on why the birth of Jesus is considered a nighttime event.
And Aleteia shared 5 quotes from the Church Fathers on the beauty of Christmas.
A member struggling to understand the relationship between the Church and the Bible, a couple waiting on annulments of previous marriages so they can continue RCIA, and a convert trying to find a parish she can call home – these are just a few examples of the people we are working with this month at The Coming Home Network International. Please help us continue to support those on the journey by visiting chnetwork.org/donate today!
“Wait the end with joy. It is the end which characterizes everything and which tests a man’s expectations.”
St. Thomas Becket
Feast Day: December 29