Every person’s journey to the Catholic Church starts with a moment of grace. It starts when God offers us His hand and we say “Yes.”
What was your moment of grace? What happened on the day you said “Yes” to God? What inspired you to take the hand He offered? More important, who helped you say, “Yes”? Whose friendship, wisdom, or encouragement inspired you to seize that moment?
After all, none of us say “Yes” on our own. We all have help on the journey: a friend, a saint, an author, a speaker, or priest. Someone is always there, urging us on.
That is the communion of saints at work. It’s other followers of Christ, all on different parts of the journey, helping others not to miss life-changing moments of grace. Through the prayers, witness, and support of our partners, the CHNetwork helps others say “Yes” to God.
I want to tell you about some of the people we’ve helped this year and to ask for your partnership or continued partnership in the work of the Coming Home Network.
There are so many men and women out there who need encouragement on their journey — men and women who desire full communion with Christ’s Church, who desire to receive the Eucharist, and who desire to receive absolution for their sins. They sense that God has offered them His hand. They’ve recognized His call to the Church. They feel it with their hearts or they hear it with their intellects, but they face so many obstacles in their journey home.
We don’t want these people to miss their moment of grace, which is why one of the most important things we do at the Coming Home Network is to provide personal, one-on-one support to men and women on their journey home.
We answer their questions. We send them information. We give them whatever help we can. But it doesn’t stop there. After that initial contact, we keep reaching out. We keep listening. We keep checking up on those who’ve asked for our help, being the friend they need as they work their way home.
We also pray regularly for everyone we encounter, and have Holy Hours offered for their needs. That work and those prayers are bearing fruit.
Recently, one former Methodist minister wrote us, saying how much he appreciated the prayer offered for his intentions.
He came into the Catholic Church not long ago, but faces ongoing opposition from his wife. He explained:
“I wanted to thank the Coming Home Network for checking on us even after we have converted. This may be the most difficult time when the conversion does not involve family participation or support…I endure great family pain and the Blessed Sacrament is my hope and sustenance.”
We also received some wonderful news from another longtime correspondent.
“Thank you so much for all you have done for me,” she wrote. “All the prayers, letters, and books you sent me made all the difference. I finally visited [a local parish]. From the moment I stepped through the door, they loved me and treated me like family. My family is not supportive of my decision at all, but my husband is finally getting used to the idea.”
It continued:
“Again, thank you. That doesn’t seem like enough for what you and the Coming Home Network have done for me. Your prayers and help have opened a door for me that, otherwise, may have never opened.”
Charles, a former Non-denominational missionary to Asia sent us this powerful email:
Sunday was absolutely incredible! I am home. Really, truly home. There is just so much to say, so much to tell. The rites of reception were powerful and I loved every moment of it. Being able to say the Creed in communion with the Church Catholic for the first time, being anointed with oil, tasting the body and blood of Christ. All of it.
Not only was I received into the church and given the grace of partaking of the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord, but I have been invited onto the RCIA Catechist team. A wonderful group! I am certain that, although my journey as a Protestant has ended, my journey as a Catholic has just begun! My goal is to be used by the Lord in lay ministry, however that may work out. It is a great honor to be a part of this team and have the privilege of working with other Catholics who guide and introduce seekers to Christ and the church. Joy!
What a blessing. For the first time in my life I am connected to the cloud of witness, the saints, the Church universal, and participate in the very life of God in a way that up until now, I had not. The Catholic Church is a treasure I am just now experiencing. Thank you, Jim and CHN, for the service you perform on behalf of all the Protestants who are searching, on behalf of the Church, and on behalf of our great God and Saviour!
This “thank you” is for our partners as well. Because of their support of the Coming Home Network, countless men and women have found the help they needed as they walked the long road home to the Catholic Church.
I invite you to become a partner in this work. Click “Give” or “Become a Partner” at the top of this page. You’ll begin receiving our monthly CHNewsletter containing new stories, articles, and prayer requests from around the network.
No one should have to make this journey alone. And with your help and ours, no one will have to.
Yours in Christ,
Marcus Grodi