As Fall RCIA classes begin in many parishes, we’re posing the following question to members of the CHNetwork Community, and readers of this blog:
Once you began considering Catholicism, how long until you were finally received into the Catholic Church?
Some of our members recount a slow process that took a decade or more, others remember a relatively short period of discernment before they knew in their hearts that Christ was calling them to greater relationship with him through his Church.
Please share your responses with us- and please remember in prayer all those who are currently in the process of following the call of God where he leads, no matter the odds!
If you’re part of RCIA either as a candidate or catechumen, or are perhaps an RCIA team member, please check out CHNetwork’s new RCIA page, and invite others to do the same- we have great FREE materials for those who want to know more about how to grow their faith!