For some of you, this week’s question won’t be a big deal. For others, however, you’ll likely have extremely strongly held opinions or deeply ingrained habits. This week, we’re asking you a question that should reveal a little about your personal devotional quirks: Do you write in your Bible?
There are several different camps that fall underneath the larger Bible-marking umbrella. For instance, there are those who highlight, and those who underline. There are those who date passages, those who write questions for themselves in the margins, and those who write cross-referencing notes besides annotated verses. Maybe you even have one Bible that you write in, and another that you keep pristine.
A little insight into my own background; in my 1990’s middle and junior high school years as a Nazarene, I had a black leather NIV Study Bible with my name embossed in gold on the cover, and that was the one I marked up and took everywhere. I remember that in certain circles, a Bible that was too well taken care of could rouse suspicion about its owner’s piety level. There was even a joke about taking your new Bible into the parking lot and running over it a few times with a car just to make it look well-loved. If your reflection could be seen in the gold-leaf page edges, it was obvious that you needed to spend more time in the Word.
No doubt you have insights, anecdotes, or personal policies regarding writing in your Bible- please share them in the comments below, or join the conversation in our CHN Community Forums!