In case you missed anything, here’s what’s been going on with the Coming Home Network over the past few days:
Dr Joseph Johnson visited The Journey Home and talked about his background as a Presbyterian pastor and his appreciation of the universality of the Church.
Ari Mack shared her story of forgiveness on the path to faith, and discussed how her study of music history helped her gain an appreciation for the Church’s longstanding patronage of the arts.
On the latest Deep in Scripture podcast, Kimberly Hahn talked about Romans 12 and the Church’s countercultural teaching on artificial contraception.
This week’s Signposts video short featured Kurt Hoover, who grew up Wesleyan and found a greater love for the poor and the marginalized through his experience of the sacraments.
We posted audio from when CHN’s JonMarc Grodi and Seth Paine visited Annunciation Radio’s Faith with Reasons program.
And CHN community members shared which songs and artists were especially significant for them on their journey of faith.
Next week, we’ll visit with NICU nurse Renee Hendrix on the Journey Home, and share Msgr Frank Lane’s talk on the Trinity for the octave of Trinity Sunday.
Keep chnetwork.org bookmarked, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!