Here at The Coming Home Network International (CHNetwork), we spend a lot of time thinking about and praying for conversion. We share a sense that our faith is a profound gift… and that it’s perfectly suited to re-gifting.
Thankfully, unlike those re-gifted holiday fruitcakes of uncertain age and origin, the Gospel never goes bad or grows old. It is eternally new, and sometimes there’s nothing like words of encouragement from the Holy Father to stir its flames. In beginning to read and absorb Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, there’s a palpable sense of joy, along with inevitable challenges.
CHNetwork has long supported relational evangelization, an approach characterized by “coming alongside” people on their journeys. It’s a distinctly fraternal way of encouraging conversion without “pushing, pulling, or prodding” people into the Church. After all, at its core, conversion is above our pay grades – it’s ultimately the work of the Holy Spirit.
You might imagine the Holy Father has some wisdom with regard to this topic – and you would be quite right. Take this quote from Evangelii Gaudium:
Christians have the duty to proclaim the Gospel without excluding anyone. Instead of seeming to impose new obligations, they should appear as people who wish to share their joy, who point to a horizon of beauty and who invite others to a delicious banquet. It is not by proselytizing that the Church grows, but “by attraction”. (15)
That last quote, “by attraction,” is from a homily by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007. It describes our goal in a nutshell. So how are we called to do it? Here are just a few of the ways we at CHNetwork seek to serve – and continue our own conversions in the process:
We reach millions of people every week on the “Journey Home” program in partnership with EWTN.
We tell a powerful conversion story every month in our flagship communications device: our newsletter. This newsletter also equips others for evangelization.
Through our Internet outreach we provide reliable information about the Catholic faith. We aren’t cafeteria Catholics who pick and choose what we accept about the Faith. Nor are we radical traditionalists who reject the current Pope. Rather, we’re faithful Catholics. It’s important for those coming into the Church that they get solid information about Catholicism.
We’ve distributed over two million newsletters, 300,000 CDs and DVDs, and tons of the best books on Catholicism. We’ve cast a broad net.
We have an outstanding staff to help people on the journey. We’re here and available with regard to ongoing conversions, thanks to your gifts and prayers!
If you’re not already a member of CHNetwork, please consider joining. As a member, you’ll receive our newsletter each month, along with the opportunity to be our partner in the glorious work of evangelization. You can join here.
If you are already a member, or if you are willing to support us financially, we welcome your assistance. You can donate here.
In the end, our work is one done out of love. It must be motivated by Christ, who is Himself our ultimate gift. As Pope Francis points out:
The primary reason for evangelizing is the love of Jesus which we have received, the experience of salvation which urges us to ever greater love of him. What kind of love would not feel the need to speak of the beloved, to point him out, to make him known? (264)
Thank you for your prayers and support. May you and your loved ones share a blessed Advent season.