Conversion StoriesEvangelicalReverts to the Catholic Faith

Deacon Scott Jablonski: Revert from Evangelicalism

June 24, 2013 One Comment

Scott Jablonski, a transitional deacon in the Catholic Church joins The Journey Home program.  He shares his story of beginning life, being baptized as an infant in the Church and receiving first communion in the second grade.   The divorce of his parents early on and the subsequent remarriage of his mother led them to a protestant church.  But if left a feeling of incongruity with Scott between the faith proclaimed and the faith lived out on a daily basis in the people around him.  So, by high school, he was ambivalent about religion.  It was while in college that Scott began to wrestle with the big questions of life.  The quest for answers and truth led him on a deep time of discernment and growing in discipleship to Jesus Christ.  Deacon Scott explores with Marcus how the grace of God led him in a direction he never would have expected.